
System requirement
NAPS home page
Top menu
Network property page
View network
Node Centrality analysis
Edge Centrality analysis
Shortest path analysis
k-clique analysis
Domain view
Graph Spectra
Sample output file

System requirement

The portal is browser independent and needs no added plugins to be installed in the browser. The network visualization is performed using WebGL which is present in all modern browsers. Some of the popular browsers with WebGL are:
Firefox Mozilla: Version 4.0 and above.
Google Chrome: Version 9 and above.
Safari: Safari 6.0 and newer versions installed on OS X Mountain Lion, Mac OS X Lion and Safari 5.1 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
If your browser version falls in the above range and still you are getting WebGL failure alert, then WebGL is supported by your browser but is disabled. Please enable it manually.

NAPS home page

PDB: Provide the PDB id or upload PDB file.

Analyze (analysis type): Determines the type of analysis to be performed. One of the following options can be selected:

Single chain: Analyze protein represented by one chain in PDB file.

Two chains: Analyze two proteins (protein complex) represented by two different chains in PDB file.

Chain: Chain id of PDB file which represents the desired protein. In case of analysis of protein complex, Chain 1 and Chain 2 represent the two proteins in complex. The chain field is case sensitive, i.e. 'A' is considered different from 'a'.

Graph type

C-alpha: An amino acid residue represented by the C-alpha atom is considered as node in the network and an edge is constructed if the distance between the C-alpha atoms is less than the threshold defined by the user. The default threshold is 7 Å.

C-beta: An amino acid residue represented by the C-beta atom is considered as node in the network and an edge is constructed if the distance between the C-beta atoms (C-alpha for GLY) is less than the threshold defined by the user. The default threshold is 7 Å.

Atom pair contact: An amino acid residue represented by the centre of residue is considered as node in the network and an edge is constructed if the distance between any pair of atoms of the residue pair is less than the threshold defined by the user. The default threshold is 5 Å.

Centroid (centre of mass): An amino acid residue represented by the centre of mass (centroid) of the side chain is considered as node in the network and an edge is constructed if the distance between centroids is less than the threshold defined by the user. The default threshold is 8.5 Å.
Interaction strength:An amino acid residue is considered as node in the network and an edge is constructed if the interaction strength between two residues is more than the threshold defined by the user. The default threshold is 4%.


Unweighted: No weight is assigned to the edges. All edges are considered equally important.

Weighted: Weights are assigned to the edges depending on different criteria for different network types:
a) C-alpha:
Inverse of distance between C-alpha atoms.

b) C-beta:
Inverse of distance between C-beta atoms.

c) Any atom:
Number of atom pairs within threshold distance.

d) Centroid:
Inverse of distance between centre of mass of the residues.

e) Interaction strength:
Interaction strength between the residues.

Threshold: The lower and higher cutoff distance (in Å) determines the range of distance to be considered for the construction of an edge between a pair of nodes (residues). For "Interaction strength" (IS) type network, only the lower bound interaction strength (in %) is taken as input. An edge is constructed if the interaction strength is greater than the given threshold.

Residue separation: Minimum separation of residues in the protein sequence to be considered for network construction. A value in the range 1-15 can be selected.

Top menu

Description of options available at the Top Menu Bar.

Home: Link to the home page of the portal.

View: Link to the visualization page with network and structure representation.

Analysis: Options for all the analysis that can be performed on the network.

Properties: Link to global properties of the network.

Node Centrality: Link to node centrality analysis.

Edge Centrality: Link to edge centrality analysis.

Shortest path: Link to shortest path analysis.

k-clique: Link to k-clique analysis.

Domain view: Link to Multi-domain analysis.

Graph Spectra: Link to Graph spectral analysis.

Help: Link to the help and tutorial of the portal.

Download: The download options for a particular page are shown.

Network property page

Global properties

Nr: Number of nodes in the network. This represents the number of residues in the protein (or complex).

Ne: Number of edges in the network.

D: Shortest path distance between the pair of farthest nodes in the network.

R: Shortest path distance of the centre(s) of the network to the farthest node.

k: Average degree of all the nodes in the network.

l: Average of shortest path between all node pairs in the network.

c: Clustering coefficient of the network.

Network Analysis

View Network: Link to View network.

Node centrality: Link to Node centrality analysis.

Edge centrality: Link to Edge centrality analysis.

Shortest path analysis: Link to Shortest path analysis.

k-clique analysis: Link to k-clique analysis.

Domain view: Link to Multi-domain analysis.

Graph Spectra: Link to Graph spectral analysis.

View network

View type

Network 3D: 3D representation of the network with node coordinates representing the actual coordinates of the residue.

Contact Map: 2D contact map view.

Distance matrix: 2D distance matrix view.

Highlight selection: Active only for Network 3D view.

Node: On selecting a node in the 3D network view, the node and the corresponding residue in JSmol view are highlighed in red color.

Neighbors: On selecting a node in the 3D network view, the node and the corresponding residue in JSmol view are highlighted in red color. The neighboring nodes in the network view and the corresponding residues in JSmol view are highlighted in yellow color.


All residues:Display all residues and endges between them.

Hydrophobic:Highlight hydrophobic residues and show edges only between them.

Hydrophilic:Highlight hydrophilic residues and show edges only between them.

Charged:Highlight charged residues and show edges only between them.

Structure image: Save the structure image in PNG format.

Network image: Save the network image in PNG format.

Node Centrality analysis

Centrality: Option to select centrality from drop down menu.

Sort by: Option to sort the centrality display table based on residue or centrality.

Generate plot: Button to plot the selected centrality.

Color by: Option to color the nodes in network 3d view.
Default: Nodes are colored based on chain id. Chain 1 is colored blue and Chain 2 as green.

Centrality: Nodes are colored based on selected centrality value.

Hydrophobicity: Nodes are colored based on hydrophobicity value.

Highlight selection: Active for Color by "default".

Node: On selecting a node in the 3D network view, the node and the corresponding residue in JSmol view are highlighed in red color.

Neighbors: On selecting a node in the 3D network view, the node and the corresponding residue in JSmol view are highlighted in red color. The neighboring nodes in the network view and the corresponding residues in JSmol view are highlighted in yellow color.

Structure image Save the structure image in PNG format.

Network image Save the network image in PNG format.

Edge Centrality analysis

Centrality: Option to select centrality from drop down menu. At present, only edge betweenness is displayed.

Structure image Save the structure image in PNG format.

Network image Save the network image in PNG format.

Shortest path analysis

Residue 1: Start residue id to be selected from drop down menu.

Residue 2: End residue id to be selected from drop down menu.

Compute shortest path: Button to perform shortest path computation.

Structure image Save the structure image in PNG format.

Network image Save the network image in PNG format.

k-clique analysis

Clique size (k): Size of the clique.

Find clique: Perform clique identification at the server.

Structure image Save the structure image in PNG format.

Network image Save the network image in PNG format.

Domain view

Number of domains: Number of domains to be highlighted and analysed.

Domain details: Chain id and residue range of each domain.

Color domains Button to color domains.

Structure image Save the structure image in PNG format.

Network image Save the network image in PNG format.

Graph Spectra

Eigen spectra: Option to select 1) Principal eigenvector component of Adjacency matrix, or 2) Eigen vector correspondin second smallest eigen value of Laplacian matrix (SSEVL)

Sort by: Option to sort result table based on residue or eigenvector component.

Color by: Option to color the nodes in network 3d view.
Default: Nodes are colored based on chain id. Chain 1 is colored blue and Chain 2 as green.

Eigen spectra: Nodes are colored based on selected eigenvector component.

Hydrophobicity: Nodes are colored based on hydrophobicity value.

Highlight selection: Active for Color by "default".

Node: On selecting a node in the 3D network view, the node and the corresponding residue in JSmol view are highlighed in red color.

Neighbors: On selecting a node in the 3D network view, the node and the corresponding residue in JSmol view are highlighted in red color. The neighboring nodes in the network view and the corresponding residues in JSmol view are highlighted in yellow color.

Structure image Save the structure image in PNG format.

Network image Save the network image in PNG format.

Sample output file

Edgelist: 1CRN_A_edgelist.txt

Global properties: 1CRN_A_parameters.txt

Node Centrality: 1CRN_A_centrality.txt

Edge Centrality: 1CRN_A_edgecentrality.txt

Graph Spectra: 1CRN_A_lap.txt

Shortest path: 1CRN_A_path.txt

k-clique: 1CRN_A_clique.txt