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Instructions to Download and Run the tool
1. To Download executable file: Click on this link PREPEATS
2. Go to the directory where the executable file is downloaded
3. Run the following command to change the file permissions in the command line
    chmod 777 PREPEATS_exe
4. In the command line run the executable file in the following manner
    ./PREPEATS_exe inputfile_name threshold -1 tuple count
     Default values of threshold,tuple and count are:
    ./PREPEATS_exe inputfile_name -1 -1 -1 -1
5. For Example :-
    ./PREPEATS_exe inputfile -1 -1 -1 -1
6. Output will be displayed in the OUTFILE
7. Parameters:
    Threshold should be less than 10
    Tuple should be 3, 7 or 15
    Count should be greater than 2

* To run executable of Single Amino Acid and Periodic Occurrence of Single Amino Acid, you need to download Multifasta_file also.

1. Click on the link MULTIFASTA_file
2. Run the following command to change the file permissions in the command line
    chmod 777 MULTIFASTA_file

1. To Download SAAR: Click on this link SAAR
2. Go to the directory where the executable file is downloaded
3. Run the following command to change the file permissions in the command line
    chmod 777 SAAR_exe
4. In the command line run the executable file in the following manner
    ./MULTIFASTA_file SAAR_exe input_filename threshold -1 tuple count
     Default values of threshold,tuple and count are:
    ./MULTIFASTA_file SAAR_exe input_filename -1 -1 -1 -1
5. For Example :-
    ./MULTIFASTA_file SAAR_exe input.txt -1 -1 -1 -1
6. Output is redirected to file Output.txt
7. Parameters:
    Count should be greater than 2

1. To Download POSAA: Click on this link POSAA
2. Go to the directory where the executable file is downloaded
3. Run the following command to change the file permissions in the command line
    chmod 777 POSAA
4. In the command line run the executable file in the following manner
    ./MULTIFASTA_file POSAA input_filename periodicity
5. For Example :-
    ./MULTIFASTA_file POSAA periodic.txt 10
6. Output is redirected to file Output.txt

Maintained By: Vicky Khanna
Contact Information: Dr.Nita Parekh, Assistant Professor; K.K.Kiran;   B. Radhika;  V.Kiran;  P.Manjari;  Rima Kumari

CCNSB - Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics